Thursday, August 9, 2007

Hey.Well I got my braces and I'm in pain!And it doesen't help when you drinking out of a GLASS cup and somebody walks into you on purpose and then the glass connects with you're teeth and hits them not to mention it's really painful when you're teeth are as sore as oh I don't know but it feels like somebody hit you in the mouth with a sledge hammer!And oh boy it's real painful!But anyways I got Green and Pink and their real cute!Well G2G!More Later!

Home School Girl

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Hey, Well today................boring.I don't think this week can go by soon enough!I'm so excited about my braces!I even try to stay in bed later so the day will go by sooner.Tomorrow our church is having a seasoned saits dinner and I have to serve a lady her food and stuff.Well G2G to bed!More later!

Home School Girl

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Hey, Well yesterday I went to the orthodontist and I'm getting my braces on Tuesday!I'm excited!Don't ask me why but I am.C and FD says that their sorry for me because it will hurt.But it's like I told them"If you had teeth like I do then you would be excited to!"So that's about all that's interesting.Oh today I made High School Girl a curtain and throw pillow to match it!I think it's real cute but I think it might be to thin for her because she likes to sleep in late and the sun wakes her up so I guess we'll just have to see!I'm trying to decide what colors I should get on my braces I'm thinking about maybe Green and Pink.But I still don't know yet.Oh boy I hate making decisions!I hope I won't have to make some real though ones in life but knowing my kind of luck there will be.This is so nerve racking!I'm so ready to go to church but I still have like an hour and it's driving me nut's!!!!!!!I guess I'm ready for this week to be over with so I don't have so long to wait for my braces!Lets see I Got 5 more days till I get them!!!!I'm going to go crazy!I wonder if I'm the only person on the planet whose excited about getting braces?Probably so my being the odd ball!Well I'm going to get off of here before I let lose all military secrets!Not really just my life secrets!More later!

Home School Girl