Monday, July 30, 2007

Well today so far has been real boring.My little sister K has a friend over and wow I wish I was that little again!OK so maybe it wasn't that long ago but it sure seems like it!I mean for crying out loud by the way I'm going you would have never thought I had an imagination then!It sure seems like it to me!And you know my little sister doesn't help much at all she's like momma what can I do?And mamas like go outside and play so K says's I don't have anybody to play with I would if M would play with me (and then she says's in her little whiny voice)but no she says's she don't have an imagination no more!I'm like good grief will this ever end?Oh............Life with little sisters and brothers I don't think they'll ever be a dull moment in our house with them around!So did you enjoy Saturdays post?Knowing FD got a good laugh out of it!Well More Later!

Home School Girl

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Hey,Whats up?Me..............Life.Did that sound good?I'm not sure but I have so many thing going on right now.Like I have two new brothers and no my mother did not have them.Are you kidding my mom would rather die then have another kid.So we have a little 8 year old and a 14 year old to raise and teach (Not us girls of course!)but boy there's a lot of stuff we have to teach the 8 year old but he's real good for what he's been through with his mom and stuff.Well lets see what did I do today?Oh I help with getting my other little brothers (Their mom claims me as hers, course she knows me about as good as my real mom does)Well anyways we had to get a 2 year old and a 5 month old to look the same way at the same time and then was the job of holding the baby up!Wow!That was hard.So anyways after I came home I had to have my pictures made and we walked all through the woods and then it was my little sisters turn so we went back through the woods and we were about to take another picture and I was walking back to them and I heard foot steps behind me and of course it scared the beejipers out of me.So I turned around and there was a man with his shirt off no doubt and I thought there was a gun in his hand so I walked-ran back to C and was like C there's a man coming up the path!!So me and K was Standing beside C when he came up to us and started talking to us (Come to find out it wasn't a gun in his hand it was an umbrella!I know ha ha!!)Well come to find out he knew my dad and stuff and my legs felt like jello!Even after wards!So that was my excitement for the day,Well G2G my mom needs the computer!More later.

Home School Girl

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Ok, I know ya'll will think I'm crazy but.................I'm ready for school to start!!!I'm so bored.I'm about to go to Hickory with my sister so maybe that'll keep me occupied for a little while.I was supposed to go with one of my friends to their grand parents house but I don't think they want me to come.Oh well life goes on.I can't wait till I'm 16 I can drive then.Oh, But wait a minute I'll have a job.Oh well that'll take up my time!Well my sisters ready to leave so bye for now!!!

Home School Girl

Friday, July 6, 2007

Hey,home school girl here.Been rea busy lately some of our friends for Ohio
come down (And no its not who you think it is Faith!)But were having a

Home School Girl