Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Hey, just finished my Latin report. It was really easy writing but looking for the info was the hard part. I can't make my mind up if i should go to on a trip with key club or not but there is a problem i don't no how to bowl but it is to help the little kids for Christmas we bring a gift for them. But i just don't know because I'm not go at bowling and i just don't like it. So I'm going to pray about it and ask God to help me to make that decision. Till Tomorrow

From High School Girl.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Hey,school when't great for me!I'm trying to learn spanish!Its sooo hard!I mean how can you talk like that i get all my words mixed up!I guess latin can be confusing to huh?Well gpt to go!
Mike(Home school girl!)

Monday, November 27, 2006


Hey! I have been so tired High School makes me so tired have to to get up early.6:00am is to early for me but you have to do it. I got to come home early to day because i had a bad head ache.IT was bad because my head was spinning and i had to sew. I got some good news i passed my Latin quiz it was really easy now trying to remember it that is the hard part. But today was really busy. Can't wait till tomorrow oh joy! Latin first thing in the morning then sewing then boring math and then teen living. Till Tomorrow
From High School Girl

Had a great day today in school.I get done really fast.That's the good thing about being home schooled,you get done fast and you have no homework!LOVE IT!I HOPE EVERY ONE ELSE HAD A GREAT DAY!Well I'm sighing out now!bye


Sunday, November 26, 2006

Welcome back to our blog!Were we can talk girl talk!ON NOVEMBER 30,2006 through the December 2,2006. AT 7:00 pm OUR CHURCH IS HAVING A TENT REVIVAL IN MARION NORTH CAROLINA ACROSS FROM ROSES AND NEXT TO THE AUTO SHOP IF YOU CAN WE'D LOVE TO HAVE YOU WE ARE A very young congergation.GOD BLESS YOU!


Welcome to our blog!We hope you enjoy it! Here we talk about how we live each day of our lives living for the Lord.We hope this will encourage you and help you find the Lord!So have fun and enjoy our blog!